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October 01, 2019

Justin Trudeau cannot be trusted to solve gang and gun violence

Trudeau has rolled back strict penalties for gang members and will remove minimum sentences for gun crimes Justin Trudeau wants Canadians to think he’s serious about cracking down on crime. The only thing he’s serious about is making law-abiding firearms owners follow more laws. Trudeau has failed to address the...

September 30, 2019

Andrew Scheer to expand eligibility criteria to access Disability Tax Credit

Fairness for Persons with Disabilities Act could help 35,000 more Canadians with disabilities A new Conservative government will introduce the Fairness for Persons with Disabilities Act, allowing 35,000 more Canadians to qualify and apply for the Disability Tax Credit, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced today. This new Act will reduce the...

September 30, 2019

Justin Trudeau’s desperate campaign spending announcements to cost $57 billion

In the face of scandal, Trudeau reveals platform, making billions in farcical promises to Canadians  In an attempt to cover up international embarrassment, Justin Trudeau has revealed his platform, announcing a staggering $57 billion in campaign promises. The tally of his disastrous campaign is mounting, and so is his debt....

September 30, 2019

Andrew Scheer to give hunters and anglers a seat at the table

A new Conservative government will bring back the Hunting and Angling Advisory Michelle Rempel, Conservative candidate for Calgary Nose Hill, spoke today in Calgary about the Conservatives’ plan to give hunters and anglers a voice in protecting Canada’s natural habitats by re-establishing the Hunting and Angling Advisory Panel. “The Trudeau...

September 28, 2019

Andrew Scheer pitches National Energy Corridor to create jobs and unite Canadians

New transnational project to generate economic and social benefits across the country A new Conservative government will create a national corridor to carry Canadian energy and resources from coast to coast, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced today. “It’s time for a government that understands we’re in this together, that Canada...

September 28, 2019

Justin Trudeau must fire antisemitic apologist, Iqra Khalid

Trudeau’s candidate continues to support individual with known antisemitic views According to B’nai Brith Canada, Justin Trudeau’s candidate Iqra Khalid continues to associate with known anitsemite Amin El-Maoued, who advocates for violence and discrimination against the Jewish community. Khalid was forced to apologize last year for giving El-Maoued a certificate of...

September 27, 2019

Scheer to prioritize George Massey Tunnel replacement, other projects that shorten commute times

A new Conservative government will prioritize critical infrastructure projects that shorten commute times like the George Massey Tunnel replacement in the Greater Vancouver Area, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced today. “Canadians are sick and tired of being stuck in traffic and waiting for delayed public transit,” said Scheer. “Canada’s Conservatives...

September 26, 2019

Trudeau wants more people to go camping, after he raised taxes on campground owners

Today Justin Trudeau announced measures to encourage more children to attend camps across the country. As is usually the case, Justin Trudeau forgot that he raised taxes on campground owners, forcing them to either shut down or charge Canadians more to enjoy the outdoors. Tax rule could force Ottawa-area campgrounds to...

September 26, 2019

Andrew Scheer to launch inquiry into SNC-Lavalin corruption scandal

A new Conservative government would take measures to safeguard against abuse of power In Justin Trudeau’s riding of Papineau, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced today that a new Conservative government would launch a judicial inquiry into the SNC-Lavalin corruption scandal. A new Conservative government will also introduce the No More Cover-Ups...

September 25, 2019

Trudeau’s green energy retrofit program is not as advertised

Trudeau’s plan puts you further in debt while Andrew Scheer’s plan puts more money in your pocket Today Justin Trudeau announced interest-free loans for Canadians to renovate their homes. But Canadians who are struggling to make-ends-meet can’t afford a loan to renovate their house while Justin Trudeau continues to hike...

September 25, 2019

Higher gasoline prices are exactly what Trudeau Liberals want

Gasoline prices expected to rise by 73 cents/liter under Justin Trudeau’s plan Today the Conservative Party of Canada released video of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal MP, Rob Oliphant, telling Canadians that “gasoline prices need to go up” and for Canadians to “wrap their heads around” the reality that it’s going to happen, whether...

September 25, 2019

Scheer announces Green Home Renovation Tax Credit to lower greenhouse gas emissions

New tax credit will allow Canadians to save up to $3,800 on green home renovations Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer was at Potvin & Bouchard today, highlighting the Conservatives’ proposed Green Home Renovation Tax Credit, a two-year program to encourage homeowners to renovate their homes in ways that lower their power...